Friday, May 31, 2019
Tony Kytes, The Arc-Deceiver by Thomas Hardy and Tickets, Please by D.H. Lawrence :: Hardy Kytes Tickets Lawrence Essays
Tony Kytes, The Arc-Deceiver by Thomas Hardy and Tickets, satisfy by D.H. LawrenceIn this essay I will be discussing my views on the two short stories,Tony Kytes, The Arc-Deceiver by Thomas Hardy and Tickets, Pleaseby D.H.Lawrence. Tony Kytes, The Arch-Deceiver was written in 1894,pre-first world war. Tickets, Please was written in 1922-24, postfirst world war. I am going to discuss how what happened between theseyears has affected how the stories confirm been told. During this clock-space a lot happened women became much independent and got thevote which was something they had been campaigning for many years.They were also more independent owing to the fact that during thefirst world war they had had to take mens jobs. So I am going alsogoing to show how the books have shown this change in womensattitudes.In Tony Kytes,The Arch-Deceiver Tony is engaged to Milly. He is allset to marry her when a girl called Hannah comes along and shows aninterest in him. Also on his travels he mee ts a girl called wholeness whoalso shows an interest in him. After a while Tony asks Hannah to marryhim but she turns him down, he also asks Unity to marry him but shealso turns down his proposal. At the end of the story he asks Milly ifshe will come back and marry him which she excepts and they getmarried.In Tickets, Please John Thomas a station inspector takes advantageof the new female station conductors. He takes them for walks, only ifthey consent and providing that they are sufficiently attractive. Hemeets one, a Miss Annie, who he has liked for quite some time but shehas kept him at arms length. She then agrees to walk with him, hetakes her come in to the fair. She then starts to show some intelligentinterest so he lets her go, just like all the others before her. Thewomen then decide that John needs to be punished for his actions. Theycorner him in a room where they ask him to choose one of them tobecome his wife. He refuses so they beat him up over again and ask himagai n to choose one of them to be his wife, again he refuses so theybeat him up again. They then ask him one last time to choose one ofthem to become his wife, he chooses Miss Annie, who bitterly refuseshim, then all the girls refuse him and they let him get up an d leave.They then ample them selves up and pretend that it had never happened.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Maquiladoras & NAFTA Essay -- essays research papers
MAQUILADORAS AND THE NAFTAS IMPACTIntroduction In this paper I will discuss the history and practices of the Maquiladora industry. I will discuss its background, its problems, the benefits it offers to United States companies, and the concern the NAFTA has and will have on the industry. In addition, I will make a suggestion on a possible st outrankgy the Maquiladoras can have in order to address the challenges brought on by the NAFTA, to ensure it remains a strong force in the future. Background Mexican agricultural workers had been minded(p) temporary work visas allowing them to work in the United States agricultural industries through a course of study called the Bracero Program until 1965 when this plan was terminated. As a result of this termination, the unemployment rate had exceeded 70% in certain border cities. In May of 1965 the Border Industrialization Program was established as a replacement for the Bracero program. It was later renamed the Maquiladora Program. The pr ogram was established by the Mexican government to provide employment for Mexicos rapidly growing population along its border with the United States. This Program was utilized to move on Mexicans from entering the United States. The idea was that Mexican workers would be kept on the Mexican side of the border if they were given factory jobs on the Mexican side. The Maquiladora program also wanted to attract foreign manufacturing facilities, technology, and know-how by giving a permanent tax holiday to manufacturing companies that would set up "twin plants" on the Mexican side of the border. In the beginning of the program, all foreign-owned trading operations had to be located within a 20-kilometer strip along the US-Mexican border. Since 1972 they can be located anyplace in Mexico. In 1996 there were around 2,500 Maquiladoras - 35% of them were located in the interior states of Mexico. Last year there were over 3,000 and more and more of these operations are being located outside of the border regions. Each of Mexicos 31 states has at least one Maquiladora. What is a Maquiladora? Maquiladoras, also referred to as "in stick to" or "twin" plants, are allowed to temporarily import into Mexico (free of tax) machinery, equipment, replacement parts, raw materials, and just about anything that was used in the assembly or manufacture of semi-finished or finished products... ...on between the non-Maquiladora and Maquiladora industries I feel the inefficient producers will be wiped out. Therefor, Maquiladora employees will need better training, education, incentives as well improved working conditions and high wages. Operations will also have to be streamlined in order to reap the benefits of economies of scale and scope. In addition, Mexicans as well as US citizens will leap out to demand more accountability from the Mexican government and the Maquiladora industry. They need to be more responsible for their actions. What will the U.S. cor porations do when human rights activists and environmentalists start lobbying and protesting on their US sites? Do they want to risk losing their shareholders to this type of negative attention? References Benitez, Gerardo, Latin American Perspectives The Maquiladora Program Its Challenges Ahead, THE WHARTON JOURNAL, December 11, 1995. Clifford, Frank and Mary Beth Sheridan, delimitation Efforts on Pollution, THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 30, 1997, 1. Naumann, Ann K. and Mireille Hutchinson, The Integration of Women into the Mexican Labor Force Since NAFTA THE AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST, June/July 1997, 950-956.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Economics Behind Climatic Change and Weather Predictions Essay
Weather soothsaying can be delineate in so many ways one of such ways is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a approaching measure and a given location. Although the concept of digest hopeing seems exciting weather forecasters atomic number 18 taken for granted people fail to realize that they cod so much to contribute to the economy. Is it possible by any means to make weather predictions beyond one or two weeks. According to Matthew E. Kahn it has been proven, atmospherical scientists reports of broad range climate forecast that are among the best that they take hold ever had, been able to predict climate for up to six months in advance.long-range forecasts are usually for a period greater than seven days in advance but there are no absolute limits to the time. art object short-range forecast is a weather forecast made for a time period up to 48 hours. The long range forecasts still fall in their limi tations disrespect its importance with the use of modern technology and improved techniques to predict the weather. For example, weather forecasts for today or tomorrow are likely to be much close than predictions about the weather two weeks from now. People seem to have a need to know whats going to happen farther in the future than the coterminous few days. So some atmospheric scientists have developed diverse ways to give generalized outlooks of what to expect farther ahead. But, these outlooks are assorted in several ways from regular daily forecasts. Outlooks for the weather in the months ahead do not attempt to firmly say that places will be raw or cold, wet or day. Instead, the outlooks are in terms of how the odds of a place been hot or cold will be shifted. at last i... ...Works CitedCraft, Erik. Economic History of Weather Forecasting .EH.Net,Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. October 6, 2001. URL http// er.forcasting.historyAssessed, 10/21/2011J.D .Selman and C. Dennis Campden seasonal weather forecasting and the requirement of the food supply chain http// assessed 10/21/2011Accuracy of weather forecast in time. http// Jack, long range forecast have limitationWeather, May 19, 2005http//, 11/04/2011. The Economics Behind Climatic Change and Weather Predictions Essay Weather forecasting can be defined in so many ways one of such ways is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time and a given location. Although the concept of weather forecasting seems exciting weather forecast ers are taken for granted people fail to realize that they have so much to contribute to the economy. Is it possible by any means to make weather predictions beyond one or two weeks. According to Matthew E. Kahn it has been proven, atmospheric scientists reports of long range climate forecast that are among the best that they have ever had, been able to predict climate for up to six months in advance.Long-range forecasts are usually for a period greater than seven days in advance but there are no absolute limits to the time. While short-range forecast is a weather forecast made for a time period up to 48 hours. The long range forecasts still have their limitations despite its importance with the use of modern technology and improved techniques to predict the weather. For example, weather forecasts for today or tomorrow are likely to be more accurate than predictions about the weather two weeks from now. People seem to have a need to know whats going to happen farther in t he future than the next few days. So some atmospheric scientists have developed diverse ways to give generalized outlooks of what to expect farther ahead. But, these outlooks are different in several ways from regular daily forecasts. Outlooks for the weather in the months ahead do not attempt to firmly say that places will be warm or cold, wet or day. Instead, the outlooks are in terms of how the odds of a place been hot or cold will be shifted. Finally i... ...Works CitedCraft, Erik. Economic History of Weather Forecasting .EH.Net,Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. October 6, 2001. URL http//, 10/21/2011J.D .Selman and C. Dennis Campden seasonal weather forecasting and the requirement of the food supply chain http// assessed 10/21/2011Accuracy of weather forecast in time. http// Jack, long range forecast have limitationWeather, May 19, 2005http//, 11/04/2011.
Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five Essay -- Kurt Vonnegut Slaughterho
Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five Great artists have the ability to step back from society and see the absurd circus that their world has become. such satirists use their creative work to reveal the comic elements of an absurd world and incite a change in society examples include Stanley Kubricks film, Dr. Strangelove, and Joseph the Tempters novel, Catch-22. Both works rose above their more serious counterparts to capture the critical voice of a generation dissatisfied with a province of warmongers. Completing this triumvirate of anti-war classics is Kurt Vonneguts novel, Slaughterhouse-Five. Infusing his social commentary with science fiction, satire, bizarre characters, and the problem of death, Vonnegut creates one of the most effective arguments against war in the American canon of literature.The invigoration of Kurt Vonnegut began on November 11, 1922 in Indiana. He aged and entered school, picking up an affinity for the written word while editing his high school pap er (Klinkowitz, Chronology 3). As he grew up, Vonnegut faced a nation rapidly changing under the burdens of the Depression. This economic disaster harmed Vonneguts family as well, causing his parents to make countless sacrifices to suffer their family from crumbling under the pressure (Klinkowitz, America 8). Vonnegut survived the Depression to enroll at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, where he majored in chemistry and biology. Three years into school he enlisted in the United States Army and fought in World War II. One year later Germans captured Vonnegut and held him as a prisoner of war in Dresden. He lived in this city for less than half a year before he survived the boundless destruction (Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five 22) caused by the D... ...uarterly 103 (1998) 17.Simpson, Josh. This Promising of Great Secrets Literature, Ideas, and the (Re)invention of Reality in Kurt Vonneguts God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, Slaughterhouse-Five, and Breakfast of Champions. Studies i n Contemporary Fiction 45 (Spring 2004) 261-271. Infotrac Onefile. 28 Oct. 2004. .Tanner, Tony. The Uncertain Messenger A Reading of Slaughterhouse-Five. Merrill 125-130.Vees-Gulani, Susanne. Diagnosing truncheon Pilgrim A Psychiatric Approach to Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five. Studies in Contemporary Fiction 44 (Winter 2003) 175-184. Infotrac Onefile. 28 Oct. 2004. .Vonnegut, Kurt. God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater or Pearls Before Swine. New York, NY dell Publishing, 1965.---. Slaughterhouse-Five. New York, NY Delta Fiction, 1969. Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five Essay -- Kurt Vonnegut SlaughterhoKurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five Great artists have the ability to step back from society and see the absurd circus that their world has become. such(prenominal) satirists use their creative work to reveal the comic elements of an absurd world and incite a change in society examples include Stanley Kubricks film, Dr. Strangelove, and Joseph hellions novel, Catch-2 2. Both works rose above their more serious counterparts to capture the critical voice of a generation dissatisfied with a nation of warmongers. Completing this triumvirate of anti-war classics is Kurt Vonneguts novel, Slaughterhouse-Five. Infusing his social commentary with science fiction, satire, bizarre characters, and the problem of death, Vonnegut creates one of the most effective arguments against war in the American canon of literature.The animation of Kurt Vonnegut began on November 11, 1922 in Indiana. He aged and entered school, picking up an affinity for the written word while editing his high school paper (Klinkowitz, Chronology 3). As he grew up, Vonnegut faced a nation rapidly changing under the burdens of the Depression. This economic disaster harmed Vonneguts family as well, causing his parents to make countless sacrifices to throttle their family from crumbling under the pressure (Klinkowitz, America 8). Vonnegut survived the Depression to enroll at Cornell Unive rsity in Ithaca, New York, where he majored in chemistry and biology. Three years into school he enlisted in the United States Army and fought in World War II. One year later Germans captured Vonnegut and held him as a prisoner of war in Dresden. He lived in this city for less than half a year before he survived the boundless destruction (Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five 22) caused by the D... ...uarterly 103 (1998) 17.Simpson, Josh. This Promising of Great Secrets Literature, Ideas, and the (Re)invention of Reality in Kurt Vonneguts God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, Slaughterhouse-Five, and Breakfast of Champions. Studies in Contemporary Fiction 45 (Spring 2004) 261-271. Infotrac Onefile. 28 Oct. 2004. .Tanner, Tony. The Uncertain Messenger A Reading of Slaughterhouse-Five. Merrill 125-130.Vees-Gulani, Susanne. Diagnosing billy Pilgrim A Psychiatric Approach to Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five. Studies in Contemporary Fiction 44 (Winter 2003) 175-184. Infotrac Onefile. 28 Oct. 2004. . Vonnegut, Kurt. God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater or Pearls Before Swine. New York, NY dingle Publishing, 1965.---. Slaughterhouse-Five. New York, NY Delta Fiction, 1969.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Utopia in Gulliver Travels and Paradise Lost Essay -- comparison compa
The Inconceivable Utopia in Gulliver Travels and Paradise Lost In Jonathon Swifts Gulliver Travels and in buttocks Miltons Paradise Lost, the reader is presented with two lands representing utopias. For Swift this land is an island inhabited by horse like creatures called Houyhnhnms who rule over man like beasts called Yahoos. For Milton, the tend of Eden before the Fall of man represents Paradise. In it, Adam and Eve be pure and innocent, untested and faithful to God. The American Heritage Dictionary defines utopia as an ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects. And while Houyhnhnm Land and the Garden of Eden may seem like ideally perfect places, they are not. Indeed, they contradict our ideas of utopia. Our fascination with utopias stems from our attraction to and pursuit of progress within our own society. We consider utopias with the hope that our society will someday evolve into one. But what often goes unnoticed is that if our societ y improves enough to become utopian, it wont be able to improve some(prenominal) unyieldinger. Hence, it will be rigid and unchanging, the complete opposite of what it was as it evolved to its elevated state. This is an awful truth for us because we place value and virtue in the ideas of appetite and progress. Our reason tells us once in an ideal land, desire cannot simply cease to be, because desire is part of our human nature. And our reason is right. An ideal society should show our human nature, not suppress it. As we desire a perfect society we know that a perfect could not exist without our desire. And as long as we desire, we hope for progress. The idea that an utopia wouldnt allow such progress to occur is enough to make us stop believing in utop... ...ames Holly. Milton and the Art of War. John Milton, Poet and Humanist essays by James Holly Hanford. Cleveland Press of Western Reserve U, 1966. 185-223. Lock, F. P. The Politics of Gullivers Travels. Oxford, Great Britai n Oxford University Press, 1980. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Ed. Roy Flannagan. New York Macmillan, 1993. Patrides, C.A. Milton and The Christian Tradition. (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1966) Revard, Stella Purce. The War in Heaven. Ithaca and London Cornell University Press, 1980. Rodino, Richard H. The piece of work of Gullivers Travels, Past and Present. Critical Approaches to Teaching Swift. New York AMS Press, 1992. Swift, Jonathan. Gullivers Travels. Mahwah, NJ Watermill Press, 1983. Tuveson, Ernest. (Ed.) Paradise Lost A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.
Utopia in Gulliver Travels and Paradise Lost Essay -- comparison compa
The Inconceivable Utopia in Gulliver Travels and Paradise unconnected In Jonathon Swifts Gulliver Travels and in John Miltons Paradise Lost, the reader is presented with two lands representing utopias. For Swift this land is an island inhabited by horse like creatures called Houyhnhnms who rule over man like beasts called Yahoos. For Milton, the tend of Eden before the Fall of man represents Paradise. In it, Adam and Eve atomic number 18 pure and innocent, untested and faithful to God. The American Heritage Dictionary defines utopia as an ideally hone place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects. And while Houyhnhnm Land and the Garden of Eden may seem like ideally perfect places, they are not. Indeed, they contradict our ideas of utopia. Our fascination with utopias stems from our attraction to and pursuit of progress within our own society. We study utopias with the hope that our society will someday evolve into one. But what often goes unnoticed is that i f our society improves enough to become utopian, it wont be able to improve any longer. Hence, it will be rigid and unchanging, the complete opposite of what it was as it evolved to its idealistic state. This is an awful truth for us because we place value and virtue in the ideas of desire and progress. Our reason tells us once in an ideal land, desire cannot simply cease to be, because desire is part of our human nature. And our reason is right. An ideal society should accentuate our human nature, not suppress it. As we desire a perfect society we know that a perfect could not exist without our desire. And as long as we desire, we hope for progress. The idea that an utopia wouldnt allow such progress to come to pass is enough to make us stop believing in utop... ...ames Holly. Milton and the Art of War. John Milton, Poet and Humanist essays by James Holly Hanford. Cleveland Press of Western Reserve U, 1966. 185-223. Lock, F. P. The administration of Gullivers Travels. Oxford, Great Britain Oxford University Press, 1980. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Ed. Roy Flannagan. New York Macmillan, 1993. Patrides, C.A. Milton and The Christian Tradition. (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1966) Revard, Stella Purce. The War in Heaven. Ithaca and London Cornell University Press, 1980. Rodino, Richard H. The Study of Gullivers Travels, Past and Present. Critical Approaches to Teaching Swift. New York AMS Press, 1992. Swift, Jonathan. Gullivers Travels. Mahwah, NJ Watermill Press, 1983. Tuveson, Ernest. (Ed.) Paradise Lost A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Animal Testing Research Paper Essay
As citizens of the United States we argon entitled to our civil rights. They include our base needs for living a happy and safe intent. sentient beings however are not entitled to any rights to ensure them safety, good health, and proper living conditions. carnal run laboratories torture and kill innocent savages daily. The laboratories smell of chemicals and bleach, and the cages are dirty, and not properly kept. The horrible smells fill their nostrils and they are forced to walk in their declare urine and feces. These animals are required to suffer in these conditions daily, this is not benevolent, and it is a slow and painful death. keeping an innocent animal against their will and torturing them with insidious substances is animal cruelty and should be illegal there are efficient alternative ways to animal scrutiny.Animal testing is know as the subroutine of animals in experiments and development projects to determine toxicity, dosage, and efficacy of test drugs befo re proceeding to human clinical trials (Animal Testing). Animal testing is such a controversial topic because it involves using a living organism to test unalike drugs and chemicals and can potentially have a fatal outcome. The amount of prove put onto the animal throughout the testing is unhealthy and painful for the animal. It is just like an animal being brutally beaten by their owner regrettably the drugs and other hurtful substances forced onto the animal have long term effects and make the animal suffer through it to see the results of the test. This is so brute(prenominal) and wrong. Animals should not have to suffer through this unimaginable pain.There are different reasons for animal testing, the main ones being for cosmetic purposes such as physical composition brands and plastic surgery procedures like Botox. Scientists use the animals to research different drugs and chemicals and essentially are looking for abnormal reactions from them. Being a female I purchase dif ferent cosmetic products that I use on a day to day basis. Cosmetics are articles intended to be apply to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the bodys structure or functions (Fact SheetCosmetic Testing). Some of the most commonly known brands test their products on animals. Companies like Johnson & Johnson, Avon, Kleenex, Vaseline, Dove,Giorgio Armani, Maybelline, and countless more companies test their products on animals. Scientists bear flake irritation tests that rub chemicals onto shaved skin or look across the chemicals into rabbits eyes without any pain medication (Fact Sheet- Cosmetic Testing).They are testing products with the chemicals that could potentially cause the irritation, such as makeup remover, eye shadow, mascara, and things applied to the eye or eyelid. This test is obviously inhumane and painful for the rabbits, but there are alternatives to this test that are humane and can be d one in place of it. Instead of putting the chemicals onto the rabbits, manufacturers can drop the chemicals onto donated human corneas (Cosmetics and Household). Women wear makeup and purchase products that are applied regularly to the face and eyes. With those products I am trusting that they will enhance my physical features in a positive way, but I would not motivation those products to be tested in such a cruel and torturous way.Diseases are another reason for testing on animals. Cancer, Down syndrome, heart problems, diabetes, and others are few of the main ailments scientists are trying to find cures for. The other side to animal testing can potentially save perishs by finding cures for these life threatening diseases. This is why some parts of animal testing are so vital to our health systems and patients. Many universities use animals to test in different types of training programs. At the University of Michigan nursing students used a cat to practice putting a tube into its windpipe. The goal of the procedure was for nurses working on survival flights to be able to perform the procedure to patients in critical condition. The cat was later adopted into a family and was not harmed at all (Kozlowski). Although this particular(a) procedure seems harmless to the cat and sounds painless campaigns continued to protest against using live animals and PETA continued to press the subject.They wanted them to replace using live animals with simulators which near does the same thing (Kozlowski). Tests like this that are done seem so minuet compared to others that are used for finding cures. Animal testing for human health has been say to be unsafe, unreliable, and overpriced. On the contrary there have been cases where animal testing for medical reasons has in fact found vaccines and cures. From 1940 to 1960 polio was one of the most general and well known diseases.Due to theresearch conducted on animals polio has been eliminated as a well-known disease be cause of a vaccine that almost everyone has received (Use of Animals). forthwith children receive a lifetime vaccine for polio and are also immunized against typhus, whooping cough, and tetanus. I can see where the controversy comes in. I definitely regard finding cures for all these diseases are something that needs to be done, but at the same time animals should have rights to their bodies.Animals that are forced into these facilities to be tested on come from all different parts of the world. Specially bred rats and mice are the mammals used in most medical research (What Types of Animals). Other mammals commonly found in research are guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, and farm animals such as pigs and sheep (What Types of Animals). In some cases it has been rumored that some of the animals are specially bred for certain types of testing. This has raised a hooking of questions as to how accurate the tests actually are. Different animals are used for certain tests. In previous stu dies it was proven that certain animals react differently to the same tests.This is why so galore(postnominal) different breeds and types of animals are affected by this it involves so many different supplies and equipment which in turn can become costly. Animal testing has been known to be a costly and an unethical way of finding accurate cures. Some tests can take months or even years to conduct and analyze. This can result in spending hundreds of thousands, sometimes even millions of dollars on one test (Costs of Animal). The inefficiency and exorbitant costs associated with animal testing makes it impossible for regulators to adequately evaluate the potential effects of more than 100,000 chemicals worldwide (Costs of Animal).The amount of time needed to conduct one innocent test is almost too extreme. The animal is suffering for months to years, for one result that isnt even guaranteed. The amount of money spent on one test isnt worth it, when the results are not always accura te.Alternative testing can save many animal lives they also are less expensive and take less time to complete. The non-animal methods are more effective and most importantly, more ethical. Companies should use sophisticated computer technology for testing and drug development. applied science has becomethe most important thing in lodge it gives scientists the tools to extend human capabilities, so why are companies refusing to use the technology that is presented in society? These business practices on torturing animals are against business ethics.Population studies have shown how many infectious diseases are caused and also how many can be prevented. In fact, the National Insitutes of Health reported that more than 80 HIV/AIDS vaccines that have passed animal testing have failed in clinical trials (Alternatives Testing without throe). Non- animal tests are another great alternative. Non-animal tests include an embryonic stem cell test, 3T3 neutral red uptake photo toxicity tests and human skin leftover from surgical procedures (Alternatives Testing without Torture). There are so many alternatives to animal testing that should be utilized instead of using live animals.On the other hand animal testing has contributed to finding many different cures and treatments for different diseases. When it comes down to it if youre loved one has a disease and the only way to find an effective cure is to test it on an animal, then you would definitely want it done. Life or death plays a bulky role in why so many people support animal testing. Animals are the most effective thing to test on because they portion out the same characteristics as humans. Chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA with humans, and mice are 98% genetically similar to humans (Animal Testing-ProCon). Sharing DNA with an animal has so many positive effects the likeliness of finding a cure from testing on one of these animals could save so many lives. Laws have regulated animal testing to prevent the cru el and torturous acts from happening (Animal Testing-ProCon).There are many positive sides to animal testing that could potentially benefit our health systems and patients. Animal Cruelty is illegal in most states in the U.S. How is torturing animals, poking them with needles, rubbing harmful chemicals onto their bodies and into their eyes legal? It is defined as the same thing. Holding an innocent animal against their will and torturing them with harmful substances is animal cruelty and should be illegal. There are positive alternatives to finding cures and treatments.Although there are some positives, the amount of money, time, and animal cruelty is not worth it, considering the results are not always accurate. The amounts of stressthey are put through in these labs are comely to kill them without the drugs. The suffering and pain of these innocent animals are not worth making sure our mascara doesnt make our eyes puffy, or how high of a dosage is safe without overdosing. Finding the alternatives could change everything. Throughout this research I have learned that animal testing is a cruel and ruthless act.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Marketing Communication Essay
betray moorageing is an attempt to create and maintain a unique copy of the fool in customers mind, a representation that is expected to stimulate choice of that brand (Rossiter, 2005, p.42). Positioning, in fact, refers to how customers think about several(predicate) brands in a market. Through brand positioning a company attempts to build a sustainable competitive advantage on product attributes in the consumers mind. Nevertheless, developing a successful positioning strategy is not easy. Positioning products in a complex market can be one of a companys most difficult conclusions (Gwin, 2003, p.30). Brand positioning is the first stage of marcoms planning. Before the manager can make a reasonable termination about where the brand should be headed via its marcoms, the manager first has to decide to change, if necessary, or to shore up and reconfirm the brands positioning (Rossiter, 2005, p.32).The three-level procedure for positioning, presented by Rossiter and Bellman (200 5, p.42), contains T-C-B positioning illustration, I-D-U proceeds abridgment and a-b-e benefit claim model. The T-C-B positioning model requires managerial decisions on three factor outs Target customer (T) for the brand, Category take aim (C) into which the brand should be positioned and Key Benefit (B) which will be offered by the brand. In order to correctly determine the category need, benefits sought and the purchase decision process, managers prolong to rely on a customer research. The most useful types of research atomic number 18 individual depth interviews and Marcoms Situation Audit (Rossiter, 2005, p.44). The Target Customer decision answers the question Who is the brand for?, and it has to be defined for different types of customer, known as stakeholders.However, the most important is the decision on End-Customer target for brand positioning, and it should be defined as broadly as possible, including all current and potential users of the brand. Category Need (C ) is another positioning decision, and it aims to answer the question What is the brand?. It is native that the Category Need is identified and described in customer language and from customers point of view. The Key Benefit (B) decision is the third factor in the brands positioning, and it includes several sub-decisions. Firstly, managers scram to decide between central, differentiated and central me-too benefit positioning within the category. Secondly, the decision on the forceful benefit type has to bemade. The benefit to be emphasized, or the Key Benefit, can be instinctual, archetypal, emotional or rational. Finally, managers must decide on entry-ticket benefits that have to be mentioned, and any inferior benefits, which should be traded off or omitted in the marketing communications.Key Benefit (B) selection for the T-C-B brand positioning decision is all over by conducting an I-D-U Benefit Analysis of competing brands in the category. The manager has to select the Key Be nefit that is important or motivating to target customers (I), deliverable by the brand (D) and unique to the brand (U) (Rossiter, 2005, p.62). To decide which benefits are important, deliverable and unique, managers have to evaluate the potential of multiple benefits, using multiattribute model. Importance or desirability of benefits could be opinionated by identifying the important customer benefits in a product category, and asking users to rate the desirability of each benefit.To find out the Delivery, the akin customers who provided the richness ranks could be asked to rate how well each competing brand delivers on each of the important benefits. Uniqueness, or differentially superior delivery, could be determined by calculating Brand Preference score from I-D-U ratings by multiplying delivery rating of the brand by the importance weight for each benefit and then summing them (Rossiter, 2005, p.64). After completing the I-D-U analysis, managers have to choose one of five s trategic options for increasing the brands market share via Key Benefit positioning.These options are to increase the brands comprehend delivery on an important benefit to increase the perceived importance of a benefit to decrease a competitors perceived delivery to add a new benefit and to change the choice rule. The a-b-e benefit claim model is the third, final stage of positioning. This model looks at the twist of benefit claims, and distinguishes between attributes (a), which are what the brand has (objectively), benefits (b), which are what the customer wants (subjectively), and emotions (e), which refer to what the customer feel. Decisions made in T-C-B positioning model, I-D-U benefit analysis and a-b-e benefit claim model are incorporated in the positioning statement for the brand.In our consultancy report we employ T-C-B positioning model to perform thepositioning analysis for Mortein sucking louse spray. Keeping in mind that the definition of Target Customer should be broad and include all current and potential users of the brand, the End-Customer target for Mortein louse spray was defined as Consumers of household insecticide products. Category Need into which Mortein insect spray is to be positioned was defined, from the customers point of view, as louse killers.The benefit to be emphasised, or the Key Benefit, was identified as Fast killing of insects. We decided to adopt central positioning within the category because Mortein is the wind brand in the Australian household insecticide market. Rational approach, or Rational Selling Proposition, which is focuse on a functional performance benefit, was employ to identify the Key Benefit. Since the choice between brands of insect spray is Informationally motivate, the rational approach is the best alternative for identifying the Key Benefit.In order to identify the importance or desirability of benefits, we provided a small sample of users of insect spray with a list of benefits, and asked them to rate each of these benefits on a 9-point scale from passing desirable to extremely undesirable. From their responses we found out that the most important benefits were fast killing, low price and safety. To determine the delivery by each brand we asked the same group of users to rate, on a five point rating scale, how well different brands perform on each of the important benefits. Mortein insect spray scored 4.5 on fast killing, 1.5 on price and 5.0 on safety.Uniqueness was estimated by calculating the Brand Preference score for Mortein insect spray, which was 32.5, or72% of the Ideal brand score. Based on that analysis, first I-D-U strategy option to increase our brands perceived delivery on an important benefit has been selected. We would like to increase the delivery rating on the most important benefit fast killing, and, also, to slightly increase delivery rating on price. Regarding the a-b-e benefit claim model, since Mortein insect spray is an Informationally motivate d product, we decided to use e-b ( disallow emotion benefit), or Problem-solution benefit chain. People feel annoyed because of the presence of insects in their homes (they have a strong negative emotion), so Mortein will offer them a benefit of fast killing of insects.There are also other models for brand positioning that managers can employ. perceptual mapping techniques are frequently used to aid managers in making brand positioning decisions (Kohli, 1993, p.10). Perceptual maps could be used to determine where the brand is positioned with the evaluate to the competitive brands, and to help identify product or service attributes which are important to customers, and which can be used to differentiate one companys offering from the others in the category. The perceptual mapping delivers a graphic map of the various attributes, locating in space the different brands already in the market with relation to each other and with relation to various attributes uncovered by quantitativ e surveying of customers and potential customers (Cahill, 1997, p.101). Amongst various techniques of perceptual mapping, the most frequently used are Factor Analysis, Discriminant analysis and Multidimensional Scaling.Factor Analysis is essentially a data reduction technique in which the objective is to represent the sea captain pool of attributes in terms of a smaller make out of dimensions or factors (Kohli, 1993, p.10). After the factors have been identified, the brands ratings on these factors are used to position the brands in perceptual space. Factor Analysis works best for promotional and communications strategies because it yields more affective dimensions (Gwin, 2003, p.33). Discriminant analysis is also used to reduce the number of attributes to a smaller number of underlying dimensions. However, unlike Factor Analysis, it focuses on attributes which show differences between brands (Kohli, 1993, p.11). Since it yields more objective dimensions, Discriminant analysis is most often used for new product design.Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) enables managers to map brands spatially, so that the relative positions in the mapped space reflect the degree of perceived similarity between the brands. Respondents are asked to evaluate brands in pairs, judging the overall similarity of the brands, not individual attributes (Kohli, 1993, p.12). The best use of Multidimensional Scaling is in established markets, with numerous brands usable to respondents. On the other hand, Gwin and Gwin (2003) favour another tool, the Product Attributes model, over perceptual mapping techniques. Product Attributes model assumes that consumer choice is based on the characteristics (or attributes) of a brand. The consumers choice is based on maximizing the level of satisfaction received from the product attributessubject to a budget constraint (Gwin, 2003, p.32). The main strength of this model is the ability to incorporate the impact of price into assessment of brand positioni ng.Perceptual mapping is useful because it makes easier for people to see and understand relationship when they are presented graphically, alternatively than when they are offered in columns of figures or in long verbal descriptions (Cahill, 1997, p.101). If we used perceptual mapping in our consultancy report it would, enable us to locate different brands in space, and, actually, see what Mortein stands for in relation to the competitors. Nevertheless, this technique has several drawbacks.Firstly, it compares only two, usually most important attributes, while other attributes ate neglected. Secondly, there is no way of representing benefit importance in perceptual maps because the attributes are invariably plotted as though they were of equal importance (Rossiter, 2005, p.70). In our particular case, for Mortein insect spray, if we employed perceptual mapping, we would probably obtain similar results to those from I-D-U benefit analysis. However, by using perceptual mapping techni ques, we would have to spend considerably more season and effort on research and statistical analysis. Therefore, we believe that the I-D-U model favoured by Rossiter and Bellman (2005) is superior to perceptual mapping and other models of brand positioning.ReferencesCahill, D., (1997), How Consumers Pick a Hotel Strategic Segmentation and Target Marketing, The Haworth Press, Inc., New YorkGreenberg, M., and McDonald, S. S., (1989), Successful Needs/Benefits Segmentation A users Guide, The Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 6, Iss. 3, pp. 29-36Gwin, C. and Gwin, C., (2003), Product attributes model A tool for evaluating brand positioning, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 11, Iss. 2, pp. 30-42Haley, R., (1995), Benefit segmentation A decision-oriented research tool, Marketing Management, Vol. 4, Iss. 1, pp. 59-63Kohli, C. and Leuthesser, L., (1993), Product positioning A comparison of perceptual mapping techniques, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 2, Iss. 4, pp. 10-20Kotler, P. et al., (2004), Marketing, 6th edition, Pearson Education AustraliaRossiter, J. R. and Bellman, S., (2005), Marketing communications theory and applications, Pearson Education AustraliaWedel, M. and Steenkamp, J. E. M., (1991), A Clusterwise Regression method for Simultaneous Fuzzy Market Structuring and Benefit Segmentation, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 28, Iss. 4, pp. 385-392
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Summary of “Campus Crusade for Guys”
In The Campus Crusade for Guys Sarah Karnasiewicz introduces Michael Thompson, a child psychologist who supports the life of American boys. Thompson is a bestselling author of ski tow Cain and is an educational speaker on television for troubled boys. Although he supports American boys he has a daughter of his own, so he does not agree that boys should be given a better opportunity getting into colleges. Despite Thompsons opinion on the opportunity for boys this is what is happening in colleges today (909).Statistics energise changed everywhere the years, showing that now more(prenominal) wo custody apply to college and stick with it. In the early days of coeducation the ratio of men and women on campus revealed that more men were attending college. hands nowadays dont even apply for college, and the ones that do apply dont stay long or they do poorly in school (909). If decisions were to be based on gender it would be considered political, but it is very likely for a battle to be brought up about this topic. Politicians atomic number 18 putting in the news and public media that boys have been abandoned by their schools and communities.Also you can read this summary Protecting Freedom of Expression on the CampusTalk show host have also jumped in on this and accused schools of isolating boys. On this topic Thompson says that the education for boys has actually improved and not worsened. Writers from opposite news articles have stated many opinions on this topic. Starting off the argument one said that years from now women be press release to have a hard time finding husbands with all their education. In response to that a women said that years earlier when she was in school and men remove up the majority no one was worried about them finding wives, so whats the loss (910)?Karnasiewicz states that the gender gap is not news it has been going on for multiple years. A lawsuit was filed about fourteen years ago against the University of Georgia in A and s os for trying to equal out the genders on campus. A gender based case where the school was giving potent applications better scores when applying because they wanted to even out gender. When this case was brought to the district apostrophize the judge wasnt swayed that the University was only trying to help the minority (910). The University of Georgias gender based case has completely stopped favorable accomplishment for men.Thompson believes on that point be already enough favorable actions for men out there and that it is very likely there is a girl out there that has not got accepted into college because the administration was trying to even out the proportion. With these actions in place already people set out to study the ad explosive charges of college students. During their study they took entropy from thirteen schools and over fifty percent was women acceptance (911). The study that took place at these thirteen colleges showed that gender inequity was most severe at s chools that were in one case single-sex.This study proved that males were more statistically had a better chance of getting accepted. The study also showed that once the application started to weigh more towards the womens side an affirmative action steps in for men (911). A common ratio at colleges is forty to sixty. This ratio is not just common at previous single-sex schools this is common throughout the nation. Colleges keep track of that ratio and look forward to it becoming a tighter ratio in years to come. today is not the time for colleges to play a role in gender equality on campus (912).Colleges are changes applications and getting sports that appeal to men to get more men to be accepted into college. People say that there is no difference between the mind of a female and the mind of a male but the advertising business has no doubt there is. At conferences and internal marketing at colleges have a recruiter just for men to make sure they have things that will attract men to that college (912). Boys are normally attracted to technology, so school play up the technological aspect and show men what college looks like in a way theyve never seen.Other schools find it fit to put pictures of happy, muscular men in their catalog to attract men to their campus. College campus are without a doubt trying to advertise themselves to men now instead of women. Even when boys are accepted and go to college they are not as rivet as women are women seem to think that there will be a negative consequence if they dont do well in college (913). A study shows that the gender gap is related to economics. Women are more concerned with getting a higher education because with a bachelors degree women would get paid more than women without.Men on the other hand are not as concerned because there is no significant difference in pay whether he has a bachelors degree or not (913). Another opinion is that the careers that are growing now are healthcare, education, leisure and t ravel, and the services. All the fields are what women are good at and not men so if men want a good occupancy for the future then they need to get an education. Problems that are arising are that women are replacing children with education and careers. This meaning that not enough children are being born(p) and the population is going down with the increase of women enrolled in college (914).The problem with boys all starts in primary school female students are more successful then male students in an early age. When it comes to college the administration looks back on everything you have done before then. The better opportunities for boys need to come sooner than college. Thompson said that his mission is to get people to see and think about boys in the vision as they do for girls (915). Work Cited Lunsford, Andrea A. , John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters. The Campus Crusade for Guys. Everythings an Argument With Readings. 5th ed. capital of Massachusetts Bedford/St. Martins , 2007. 909-15. Print.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Social Work: Components of Working in the Substance Abuse Field
1) The critical components of professional practice term working in the substance misuse field I. booking This process continues throughout all of the stages, or components. Engagement involves building rapport with the client but because people with substance abuse problems are often s tutelaged, emotional, antisubmarine and unable to trust this washbasin be difficult. Preparing prior to the initial interview is very important as well as limiting any interruptions while meeting with your client. II. Assessment Assessment of a person with a possible substance abuse problem can be very complicated. First bill is to find out if the client is suffering from substance abuse or substance dependency. The various dimensions of an assessment are biological, psychological and social. The biological assessment can be done by reviewing their medical history and current health and can provide clues to any medical treatment needed. The psychological dimension involves reviewing the clie nts intellectual health history to determine if there may be any underlying mental disorder.Questions about anxiety levels, depression, unresolved trauma or rue are asked then shifts to the reasons for starting, stopping and continuing the behavior. The social dimension involves engaging the client in review the various people in their life family, friends, co-workers and otherwise social networks. Who supports them, where is there tension and stress, what relationships have been affected by the behavior, etc Strength based assessments focusinges on what the client wants in their life and tends to me more motivating.Exploring the strengths in assenting to the negative provides a better balance and is respectful. Once the assessment has been made, the next step is to develop an intervention plan that is unique to the situation and the client. III. Intervention Interventions focus on work at many different systems levels, from individuals and families to organizations and comm unities. In addition, include inpatient detoxification to help with the initial withdrawal and pre-existing medical problems. There is behavioural approach that involves changing behavior by using positive and negative reinforcement.Family interventions, which help to identify relationships and communications that encourage or excuse substance abuse behavior. There are also options to join self-help groups or group therapy, which focus on the whys. In some cases medication may need to be prescribed or moving to a therapeutic community is necessary. The social worker decides which approach to take or what strategy to use and client based on what the client needs, their culture, and specific goals. 2) Most older adults want to maintain independence as long as possible how has this led to the development of a continuum of care for older people? The continuum of care is based on the principle of least restrictive which involves helping the older adult remain in their own habitation fo r as long as possible. Some of the services apart of the continuum that are least restrictive include monitoring services like life alert, menagemaker services that involve someone assisting around the house (cleaning, laundry, shopping, or personal care such as, bathing and dressing etc) or even in home health care. 3) Social workers involved in low enforcementSocial workers are involved in cases regarding traffic accidents and fatalities, child abuse, suicide, alcohol and substance abuse, mental health emergencies and family disputes. Social workers provide crisis intervention, brief individual or family counseling, referrals, victim assistance as well as community aversion prevention efforts. Home visits, crime scene crisis work, and increasingly involved in crime prevention work in the community by leading action efforts related to the development of young person services, drug courts and even in the reform of mental commitment laws.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Long Term Health Care
The long full term health criminal maintenance problem has been acknowledged by many an different(prenominal) health c atomic number 18 institution and health fretfulness organization as difficult to address. Dennis Robbins admitted that the difficulty lies in obtaining accurate and up-to-date guidance (p. 1), towards addressing conflict, developing policies, and also the many ethical problems that usually light up in health conduct context. Robbins noted that despite of those vast arrays of health care institutional settings.Many level-headed cases came up when the patient was no longer confined in these institutions. Robbins pointed out that at that place are about 21,000 long term care facilities, 14,000 hospitals, and 38,000 nursing and personalised care facilities that offers to these problem of long term health care. He emphasized that long term care are work provided in institutional settings, yet, he also disclosed that estimates showed that al close to three qu arters of the seventy disabled who receive home care services received that care from family members or extend care givers (p.1).However, long term health care institutions are not exclusively the sole provider of a long term health care. phratry care is an alternative those who need long term treatment may opt to learn considering cost of hospital bills. However, the problems that need to be solve twain by the long term health care and home care is the lack of sufficient health care professionals to staff many of these committee in home care and long term care (Robbins, p. 16).Robbins pointed out that these problems are resulting to a diminished or lacking in post accurate care settings that include quality assurance and risk steering committees, attending physicians and related groups. Thus, long term care facilities are viewed by some as needful evil (p. 17).Beyond the many legal and ethical issues that surround long term health care, are the problems that deserve to be add ressed. These are under-funding of the long term health care, high staff turn over, and quality of draw card.According to an advisory issued by the committee on way of lifes and means sub-committee on health of the United States House of Representatives about nine million adults are receiving home term care assistance, either in connection settings or in nursing homes (p.2). This report cited that nearly sixty percent of these elderly persons receiving long term care assistance and rely wholly on unpaid care givers primarily their immediate families either their spouses or the children barely seven percent of these elderly can afford of paid services.The report further cited of around one vitamin C thirty five billion dollar on long term care for the elderly through the different agencies that caters to the demand of these groups such(prenominal) as Medicard and Medicare and other private insurance (p. 2). However, this budget did not include any amount devoted to long term care provided by the informal care givers.In this report, United States law makers are alarmed of the growing numbers of elderly people and booming problems of long term care in the face of fall numbers of professional health care givers. The hearing of the committee was to address the present-day(prenominal) financing for long term care services and the range of services available in the continuum of care from home as well as community-based services to nursing home care (p. 2).According to some studies presented in this hearing, there was actually substantial funding for the long term health care. The Director of Congressional Budget office pointed out a total of over ii hundred billion dollar was spent in 2004 equivalent to twenty four thousand dollars per senior with impairment (p. 9). The problem that they see was not on funding but rather on government rules that hinder public from preparing for their own future. The statement says, Those rules create incentives that discou rage people from making their own financial preparation and encourage them to rely on government assistance (p. 9).The anticipated increase of number of elderly people by two and a half(prenominal) times poses another problem as the number of adult eighty-five and older who uses long term care are likely to increase by five percent in 2050, triple more than the 1.5 percent in 2000. Thus, the committee on health is encouraging to promote alternative delivery systems such as an early intervention and care management in nursing homes and the community as well as greater use of home and community based care (p. 36). They saw institutional long term care as costly and in efficient and leads only to poor outcome.Dr. Meghan Gerety of the University of Texas, College of wellness and Sciences, testified that the watercourse system is lacking of necessary incentives for promoting alternative delivery systems (p. 36). Dr. Gerety said, Many people have signified their desire for care in the home and community yet, the current financing system has a strong institutional bias (p. 36).Dr. Gerety revealed that of the 83 percent who need long term care, seventy-eight percent of their help come from unpaid sources such as family and friends (p. 37). The problem therefore of under funding does not necessarily pose problem in such a way that there is sufficient funding being allocated for elderly and those adults with impairments. What is lacking is a more creative, more practical approach into this part of the society.The next question that needs to look into is the high turn over of staff.Various orientations on nursing home administrations provide training for long term care workers. Learning modules are comfortably available and it seems that there are pretty much demands of long term health care workers all over as the number of elderly people are looming and those who are seeking long term care are doubling.As we have seen in the committee report of the Subcommittee on health by the United States Congress, there is an anticipated increase of numbers of elderly people of about five percent by 2050, as the so-called handle boomer generation is coming to end. Not only this pose financial burden but it also needs additional long term care personnel. But according to Douglas A. Singh, despite of efforts to identify the cause of turn over, and despite efforts to prevent the erosion of manpower, staff turn over remains one of the most daunting problems of nursing home industry (Singh, p 468). Singh noted that the efforts to address the issue have produced only a little success up to this time. He disclosed that despite of the turnover, there was no attempt to increase staff retention given the fact that turnover is expensive. Singh identified two major be related to turnover problem namely the placement cost and the training cost for the new worker (p. 468).Singh identified one of the staff turnover causes is easily burnout among new employees. He not ed that consistent shortages of staff and often picking up of employee to fill the slack is demoralizing and leaves feelings of disillusion powerless and incompetent for the congeal (p. 471).Another source of turnover of staff is sexual harassment on the part of women health workers. Jeff Hearn said, there was a very high turn over of female care staff in this area. Hearn noted that management knew about the high staff turnover in this area and which the reason was just to choose not to act on it. Hearn observed that grievances were simply ignored and never got any action and that management is likely to prefer to replace female care worker than dismisses the officer (p. 116).The high turnover of staff therefore is not simply related to compensation but rather more personal reasons which the management often chooses to ignore or not act on it. Solution to this problem according to Douglas A. Singh is to impose an effective Human Resource and Staff schooling orientation which would offer learning modules to all personnel, concerning their duties, obligation, rights and accountabilities. This module also serves as encouragement as they will be oriented of their benefits and other incentives that would keep them stop in their work without fear of harassment or exploitation.The Report CardFlorence Kavaler and Allen Spiegel said that Health care providers helps consumers make informed about a provider refutation through the report card. But they noted that the report made by a United States Health Plan Employer Data and nurture in September 2001 indicates declining member satisfaction with the New York Health Plan (p. 105). They also noted the decline in satisfaction of members with diabetes from 53.7 percent in 1994 to only 49 percent in 2000 (p. 105).This report card is one of the three clusters-smarter markets through report cards. It seemed that this card offered only limited benefit for the holder as it only provides option for a better choice of a service . This is probably the reason for the decline of report card use. As one observer commented, report cards have not the desired effects because consumers are not aware of the quality problems that have been observed in health care. Therefore, it is not impress then the decline of the use of this report card.What to do with this card? I would suggest they dissolved it and think of a more relevant initiative that would cater to better health care option.Work CitedDilulio, John and Nathan, Richard (1994) Making Health Reform Work The View from the States. Brookings Institution PressHearn, Jeff (1989). The Sexuality of Organizations. Sage Publications.Kavaler, Florence and Spiegel, Allen D. (2003) happen Management in Health Care Institutions A Strategic Approach. USA Jones and Bartlett Publisher, Inc.Long Term Care Hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Ways and Means. US House of Representatives One Hundred Ninth Congress (April 19, 2005, Serial 109-46). Diane PublishingRobbins, Dennis A. (1996) Ethical and Legal Issues in inhabitancy Health and Long Term Care Challenges and Solutions. Jones and Bartlett Publishing, Inc.Singh, Douglas A. (2005) Effective Management of Long Term Care Facilities. MA, USA Jones and Bartlett Publisher, Inc.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Discrete math
Propositions The fundamental objects we work with In arithmetic ar numbers. In a similar way, the fundamental objects In logic are propositions. Definition A proposition Is a statement that is either true or false. Whichever of these (true or false) is the case is called the truth value of the proposition. Here are some examples of English sentences that are propositions Canberra is the capital of Australia. There are 8 days in a week. Isaac Newton was born In 1642. 5 Is greater than 7. Every even number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers. The following sentences are not propositions Where are you going? Come here. This sentence Is false. Explanation The first sentence is a question and the second is a command, so clearly incomplete is a proposition and the third sentence is rather more subtle. The study of the structure of compound propositions is made easier by the do of symbols for atomic propositions and conjugations.We testament use lowe r-case letters such as p, q and r to denote atomic propositions. There are five connectives that we will use in our work they are listed in Table, together with their symbols. The If then and if and only if connectors will be our next topic on Monday. Express the following propositions in symbolic form, and Identify the principal connective (a) Either Karen Is studying computing and Mini Is not studying mathematics, or Mini Is studying mathematics. ) It Is not the case that If It Is sunny then I will carry an umbrella. (c) The program will terminate if and only if the input is not numeric or the escape key is pressed.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Lyndall Urwicks 10 Principles to Management Essay
Lyndall Urwick has been prolific and an enthusiastic writer on the subject of administration and management. His experience covered industry, the armed forces and business organization consultancy. Like other classical writers, Urwick developed his principle on the basis of his own interpretation of the common elements and processes, which he identified in the structure, and operation of organization. In 1952 he produced a consolidated list of ten principles in administration and management. Urwicks ideas in general were popular because of their commonsense appeal to managers in organization. In the last decade, however Urwicks emphasis on purpose and structure has not been able to provide answers to problems arising from social changes and needed for organizational health. Nevertheless his shape on many modern businesses has been enormous. Lyndall UrwickUrwick was born in England in 1891. He attended Repton and New College, Oxford, and was awarded a B.A. degree in 1913 and a M.A.d egree in 1919. He began his career in his familys glove manufacturing business, Fownes Brothers and Company. Following service in the First World War, he became organizing secretary for Rowntree and Company, a confecti onenessr. He subsequently locomote to the position of administrator of the Management Research Groups and then became Director of the International management Institute in Geneva in 1929. When thereat Depression cut nearsighted the life of the institute, Urwick returned to England and established the management consultancy Urwick, Orr and Patterns. 10 PrinciplesUrwick 10 principles are1. The principles of objective the overall purpose or objective is the raison dtre of every organization.2. The principles of specialization one group, one function.3. The principles of coordination the process of organizing is primarily to ensure coordination.4. The principles of authority-every group should have a supreme authority with clear line of authority to other members of the group.5. The principles of responsibility the skipper is absolutely responsiblefor the acts of his subordinates.6. The principles of definitions jobs, with their duties and relationships, should be clear defined.7. The principles of correspondence authority should be commensurate with responsibility.8. The span of control no one should be responsible for more than than 5 6 direct subordinates whose work is interlocked.9. The principles of balance the various units of the organization should be kept in balance.10. The principles of continuity the structure should provide for the continuity of activities
Monday, May 20, 2019
Application of Epidemiology to Obesity Essay
Obesity has been defined as a condition in which excess trunk fat has accumulated to an extent that health may be adversely affected. The classification of gravid and fleshiness allows the identification of individuals and groups at growingd peril of unwhole whateverness and premature mortality.1.Analyze the fleshiness problem in the U.S. as comp ared to another developed country in which the corpulency problem is not as material. Include factors such as age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and marital status in your analysis. Hypothesize the reason why the rate of corpulency is senior high in the U.S. than the other country. Obesity has been such a struggle for Americans since the early 1980s. fit in to Fleming, major effort to melt off the proportion of members who are toilsome or fleshiness involves a strategic plan (Fleming, 2008).Obesity varies by age, gender, and by race-ethnic groups. A higher body weight is associated with an amplifyd incidence of a nu mber of conditions, including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and nonalcoholic fatty coloured disease, and with an increased risk of disability. Obesity is associated with a modestly increased risk of all-cause mortality. However, the net effect of overweight and obesity on morbidity and mortality is difficult to quantify. It is likely that a gene-environment interaction, in which genetically unresistant individuals respond to an environment with increased availability of palatable energy-dense foods and reduced opportunities for energy expenditure, contributes to the current high prevalence of obesity (The Epidemiology of Obesity, 2007). The United States is not alone in experiencing increases in the prevalence of obesity.Similar increases mystify been report from a number of other countries and regions of the world. For example, in England, the prevalence of obesity (BMI is greater than or equal to 30) among women 2534 old age of age increased from 12% to 24% in o nly 9 years between 1993 and 2002. In Portugal, increases in overweight among school-age children also feel been found. Less-developed countries also slang seen increases in obesity (The Epidemiology of Obesity, 2007). Among preschool-age children in urban areas of China, the prevalence of obesity increased from 1.5% in 1989 to 12.6% in 1997(The Epidemiology of Obesity, 2007). Differences in the prevalence of obesity between countries in Europe or between race-ethnic groups in the United States move to be more than(prenominal) pronounced for women than for men.For example, in Europe, the WHO Multinational Monitoring of trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease study, which ga in that respectd data from 39 sites in 18 countries, found the prevalence of obesity was similar for men across all sites (The Epidemiology of Obesity, 2007). For women, however, in that respect were marked differences in prevalence between sites, with higher values for women from Eastern Europe. Similarly, in the United States, there are marked differences in the prevalence of obesity by race-ethnic group for women but not for men. According to the U.S. obesity trend, the Confederate states have the highest prevalence of obesity out of all the fifty states. The CDC stated that more than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are telling. Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are cogent (Overweight and Obesity, 2011).2.Compare obesity grade and obesity-related health care be in your state to all of the U.S. Recommend how your state can take obesity as a threat to public health. As stated above, Georgia is one of the southern states that have a high prevalence mortality rate. The greatest problem with the statistical linkages between body mass and mortality is that other confounding factors are not con placered, leaving little basis for brief causal inferences. Most epidemiological studies estimating the relationship between body wei ght and mortality do not control for fitness, exercise, diet quality, weight cycling, diet drug use, economic status, or family history.Furthermore, in studies that control for some of these factors, the data are usually self-reported and thus of extremely questionable reliability. Georgia ranks seventeenth most obese state in the nation. Obesity is one of the biggest public health challenges. Millions of Americans still face barriers like the high cost of healthy foods and lack of access to safe places to be physically active. There has been a significant increase in health care cost in accordance to obesity. The annual cost of obesity in Georgia is estimated at $2.1 billion ($250 per Georgian distributively year), which includes direct health care costs and lost productivity from disease, disability, and oddment ( confirmatory costs) (Georgia Data Summary, 2008). Treatment of this epidemic would be rather difficult.At a federal level, the impertinent health reform law, the Pati ent Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, has the potentiality to address the obesity epidemic through a number of prevention and wellness provisions, expand coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, and create a reliable support stream through the creation of the Prevention and prevalent Health Fund. People who are overweight or obese have a higher risk for death than people of optimal ( dominion) weight. An estimate of excess mortality is called the nation attributable risk ( rack up). PAR is an estimate of the proportion of deaths caused by a particular risk factor, in this case, overweight and obesity.The PAR represents the proportion of deaths in a population that would be eliminated if the risk factor were removed from the population. The PAR for overweight and obesity is the fraction of all deaths that would not occur if everyone were of optimal (normal) weight. The PAR from overweight and obesity is estimated using the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Geo rgia and the relative risk for dying among overweight and obese persons compared with normal weight persons. The risk varies by age and sex. In Georgia, approximately 10% of the total number of deaths each year is attributable to overweight or obesity, indicating that about 6,700 Georgians dies annually because they are overweight or obese. just about 1,500 (22%) of the excess deaths occur among people who are overweight, and 5,200 (78%) occur among those who are obese (Georgia Data Summary, 2008).3.Suggest how politics of this content will hinder your ability as an epidemiologist to help your community and / or state deal with the consequence of obesity. The checkup costs of obesity in the U.S. have been estimated at $75 $100 billion a year. The estimate for Georgia is about $2.1 billion per year, or $250 per Georgian per year. Excess body fat is associated with both direct costs such as diagnostic and treatment services related to overweight and obesity, and indirect costs s uch as lost wages and reduced productivity due to illness, disability, and premature death (Georgia Data Summary, 2008). As an epidemiologist, the extra funds would not be available to help those individuals that are obese and want to lose the weight. The U.S. is already spending a large amount of money through medical cost for those obese individuals.A government grant to help individuals may even get refused because again, the funding is coming from the government. Politics would not want to provide funding for a start of a schedule because it is cost efficient and could be expensive. We are straightway at a point where governments are easy aware of the threat that rising obesity poses to population health as well as to societys economic well-being and the natural environment. The cognizance of the size and complexity of the problem is also evolving into an awareness of the need for multiple actions to achieve a high enough dose of solutions. There is widespread conformity t hat a multi-sectorial response will be needed from governments, the private sector, civil society and the public.4.Propose four (4) new policies or laws that the government can implement to address the obesity problem in the U.S. Include the implications of those policies or laws on people, health insurance, health care providers, businesses, and the food industry. In an ideal world, governments would have been monitoring population obesity trends and have acted early to implement the actions needed to halt and reverse the obesity epidemic. However, this is not the third estate reality and, indeed, only a handful of countries have monitoring systems in place to detect changes in the prevalence of obesity and its risk factors. As stated above in question number two a new health reform law has to address the obesity epidemic through dissimilar wellness, and providing coverage to the millions of Americans. Government could also issue a community transformation grant to individuals th at have change their obese bodies into healthy balanced bodies.Policies to reduce greenhouse emissions, such as corporate and individual ampere-second trading, would be respectable stealth interventions for obesity prevention. Congestion taxes, car-free cities, public transport growth and other urban planning options will have increased physical activity as a beneficial side effect and thus contribute to obesity prevention. Reducing the carbon cost of food could also have an effect on energy pulmonary tuberculosis since many of the energy dense foods which promote obesity tend to be more processed, packaged foods in other words, higher in carbon costs.5.Assess and address the causes which have made obesity rates increase for the past decade. Over the past three decades, obesity has increase significantly. While the exact reasons for increased global obesity were still undetermined, experts said changing habits were likely contributors. Diets are different than they were 30 years ago, and modern technology has decreased physical activity. Developing countries now have a lot of the conveniences that are commonplace in wealthier nations. There are also an increase of automobile, which we are widely dependent on and less walking or bicycling. In conclusion, the drivers of this pandemic that is now affecting rich and poor countries alike must be global in nature and comparatively recent in onset. While biological hard-wiring explains the potential for the development of obesity, it cannot explain the secular trends in obesity prevalence.Humans have, for good survival reasons, evolved a biology that is designed to maximize energy intake and sully physical activity. We seek and enjoy good tasting food ( peculiarly sweet, fatty and salty foods) and we seek to reduce the effort needed to do work (by designing machines and technology to do it for us). While these are powerful factors, our biology has not changed over the last 30 years. What has changed dramatically is the environment around us especially the easy availability of foods and energy-saving machines that feed those biological desires. It is the increasingly obesogenic environments which are promoting especially excessive energy intake but also reduced physical exertion that are driving secular trends.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Current issue in government contract Essay
The make out is focus on the financial asp viperect in the comp both trading trading operations. The law of nature is so strict enough in the budget each(prenominal)ocated for any accounts which argon voluntary. Below is the dilute so auditing the companys accounts on a voluntarily basis A request from the Secretary command of the Department of Finance to audit, the annual accounts of Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Ltd. I hold to audit the companys accounts on a voluntary basis pending the enactment of legislation to put the company and its operations on a statutory footing.The audit, which was comp permited in June 2001, covered a period from the date it commenced operations on December 10, 1999 to the end of the year 2000. Almost ? 2 million was each(prenominal)ocated from the Department of the Taoiseachs vote to meet the costs of the company in the patsy period. The committee will see from the accounts that something around ? 560,000 of that went to assignm ent out the offices which were rented in Blanchard town, ? 400,000 went to pay for executive services for the last four months of the year 2000 and ? 313,000 or so went on consultants fees (Purcell. http//www. irlgov. ie).Corporate governance arrangements, tendering for executive services, fee levels for executive services, credit card expenses and the tax locating of the company. I dejection expand on the specific issues during the course of the examination if the committee so wishes. The main activities of the company during the period of the accounts were developing an architectural and environmental scheme for the company, devising the structure of a challenger for the provision of the various facilities on the site and latterly organizing a competition for the provision.In my own reliance of the issue, I could rather say, if the provision issue provides the enhancement of the development of the companys progress past it is so much advice able to adopt the audit more profou ndly. Then continuous monitoring of the results of the issue to the point of view of the rest of the people concerned to either it resulted to a affirmatory outcomes or non. If it has positive outcomes then it would be better to enhance such auditing issue just for the good of the company and all the concern as well. Other Issues 1.) A persons children or other lineal posterity such as grandchildren and great-grandchildren, it does not mean all heirs, notwithstanding only the direct bloodline. Occasionally, there is a problem in determining whether a writer of a will or deed meant issue to include descendants beyond his or her adjacent children. While a child or children are alive, issue refers only to them, unless if they are deceased then it will apply to the next genesis unless there is language in the document which shows it specifically does not apply to them.This issues looks unfair to the new times to which no how on how comes they are a part of the problem for infact they just come in existing. 2) n. any matter of dispute in a legal controversy or lawsuit, very commonly use in such phrases as the legal issues are, the factual issues are, this is an issue which the judge must decide, or please, counsel, let us know what issues you be receive agreed upon. In these issues, as long as it is following the legalities it has to be abided.The judge is the one to promulgate laws that was agreed upon standards. So if it is in my case I dont need to argue at all though it hurts to accept facts but facts must prevail. 3) v. to send out, promulgate, unveil or make the original distribution, such as a corporation selling and distributing shares of stock to its initial investors. I will rather agree to this statement, this is for the reason of visibility to everybody of what was going on the promulgation. at that place should be participation to everybodys concern. 4) n.the shares of stock or bonds of a corporation which have been sold and distributed (Is sue. http//legal-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com). A Problem in make outs Assurance contracts are a financial technology that facilitates the cloistered creation of normal goods and Club goods in the face of the free rider problem. The free rider problem is that there whitethorn be actions that would benefit a large group of people, but once the action is taken, there is no way to exclude those who did not pay for the action from the benefits.This leads to a game theoretic problem all members of a group might be better off if an action was taken, and the members of the group contributed to the cost of the action, but many members of the group whitethorn make the perfectly rational decision to let others pay for it, then reap the benefits for free, possibly with the result that no action is taken. The result of this rational game play is let down utility for everyone. Assurance contracts operate as follows In a spine way, members of a group goner to contribute to action an a t least N-1 other members also make the same pledge.If N members sign the pledge (perhaps by a certain expiration date), the action is taken. If the quorum is not reached, the parties are not snare to carry through the action (Assurance Contract. http//en. wikipedia. org). The binding mechanism may be a contract enforced by a government activity, a contract enforced by a private organization (e. g. a mediator, a protection agency in an anarcho-capitalist society, etc. ), an escrow organization (in such cases, the binding contract is signed by depositing funds in advance, which are later either disbursed according to the contract, or refunded), etc.Many economists argued that the central planning and bureaucratic directions are necessary to produce public goods. There is at least some types of public good can be produced privately by get ahead seeking entrepreneurs. A new and more powerful form of assurance contract and discusses, without making hard-and-fast is called a dominant assurance contract. This was contracts that exhibit on the goods or product. There are two problems convoluted in the production of public goods, the preference revelation problem and the contribution problem.One focus we have for sure is on the contribution problem, how to get agents voluntarily contribute to providing the public good. This will limit the compendium of good, which naturally comes in lumpy quantities, or goods for which we can deduce into an efficient size of it. If a bridge or road or light house is to built we can probably estimate the efficient size from the information about preferences and technology (Tabarrok, Alexander. March 6, 1996. http//mason. gmu. edu). Under this issue we can include the government contracts which were brought to password for publicly seen.A recent decision by the Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia has potentially momentous consequences for bankrupt government contractors and their creditors. That court, with juri sdiction over the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D. C. , the primary place of business for many government contractors, has held that the debtor/contractor filing for reorganization of the Bankruptcy Code is not automatically entitled to brood performing its federal contracts.Instead, the government can obtain permission from the bankruptcy court to immediately change such contracts ( authorities Contracts. 1999. http//www. hklaw. com). This decision may result in contractor being forced into liquidation proceedings, with weeny remaining for its creditors. In my own opinion it is inhuman to say getting all proceeding of the debtor on which nothing left for her living. This means that, the same saying killing the debtor for not pay all the debts. Its too much contract not giving any pardon to debtor itself.If I were to judge I have to see to it that I can make adjustment former to both the company and the debtor. There must be equal distribution. organisation Contract Commitme nt to the leaf node and the promise of innovative solutions is the core of regime Contracts Consultants. Government Contracts Consultants is organized as a small woman-owned, SBA advised HUB Zone company organized to meet the ever-growing needs of business by providing creative information technology, administrative and acquisition management support services and training to government and commercial clients.Our areas of expertise included. M3 federal official Contract Practice Group, LLC. (M3) works on behalf of Prime contractors, Subcontractors, and International companies doing business with the U. S. Government. M3 is a highly recognized U. S. Government contract consultant firm comprised of subject matter experts that focus on and comprehend every chemical element of the federal procurement battleground from business development, writing winning proposals, contract management, contract closeout, and adopt resolution.M3 Federal is the only company within the federal procure ment field that provides an all encompassing teaming solution for any company willing to get into the federal procurement field or that has been in the federal field and has complex procurement issues to resolve. M3 Federal Contract Practice Group specializes in all areas of government undertake and federal procurement including (M3 Federal Contract. http//www. m3federal. com) Contract Claims Preparation Submittal Resolution Audits Qui Tam Actions Fraud call Protests Proposal Development DoD Facility Clearances DoD Personnel Clearances Intellectual Property Rights Export decree & Compliance Commercial Contracts Joint Ventures/Teaming Agreements Contract Administration GSA Schedules This are all gives us the background of what covers the replete(p) contract. The overview of this contact will focus on business. Business will be better off if it follows a standard to avail. Conclusion We have dealt with five issues that differ in many ways.Issues has an act by the Go vernment that goes beyond the terms of a Fixed Price Contract, Cost Type, Cost Plus Award Fee, explore & Development Contract, etc. or any contract termination that has a consequential ripple consequence upon the entire contract and/or Contractor, impose a substantial risk to the Contractor and require immediate action by the Contractor to ensure no financial denigration to reputation. In the sense of Government contract it is legal and purposely design to make progress not only the company but also the people at large. It is properly impose so that everybody will understand the agreement agreed upon.But in the case of problem issues it is focusing more often to the people who have not agreed to to their previous contract or might be things they fail to do and the other parties tends to claim and will sewed the debtor for example. Also problems sometimes will come out to be in the case of agreement which was not abided. If I will to make sure that agreement should complied I have see to it , that my opponents could make a written not just verbal agreement to whom I can claim even if problem arise. Reference Assurance Contract. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Assurance_contracts Issue.http//legal-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/issue Government Contracts. 1999. http//www. hklaw. com/Publications/newsletters. asp? ID=70) M3 Federal Contract. http//www. m3federal. com Purcell. http//www. irlgov. ie/committees-02/c-publicaccounts/020321/Page1. htm Tabarrok, Alexander. March 6, 1996. http//mason. gmu. edu/atabarro/PrivateProvision. pdf Sovereign acts by the Government, such as dictating to the Contractor, orally or through un-priced or unsigned modifications are a manifestation that you are working to defective specifications and/or performing added scope work.If any of the following conditions apply to your contract, you may be experiencing lost funds and may be entitled to additional mo whether or not the end item meets contract requirements. any(prenominal) change in this methodology, not covered by a modification, is a delay to the contract and in many cases is considered added scope work entitling the Contractor to be monetarily Contractor must be aware that a rejection, not supported by a specific contract citation is improper, and that a Contractor is not obligated to perform the work until a citation is given or a modification is make to the contract.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Banana Wars Case
1. If you were a member of the Organization of American States and its Permanent Council, with which wiz would you side? First of all, it depends on your vision of the problem. As for me, I can see two polar approaches to this problem * Economics * Social. If you provide take first approach into consideration, you have to choose Latin American countries, because they were discriminated by EU during long period of time. They had a quota of 2. 2 million tons with a tariff for all banana ($1,150 per ton) and former colonies had a preferential access to the EU market.Moreover, the unit-cost of merchandiseion in the Caribbean is nearly 2. 5 times what it is for Latin American producers, so their product is much cheaper and easily to produce. As for kind approach to this problem, you should choose the Caribbean countries, because banana exports are the mainstay of their economies, so they wont win the competitor of Latin American countries and their economies will fall down. Econom ics falls will affect lives of people in these countries, so in social approach you have to choose their side. 2. Given the WTOs decision, what are the alternatives for the EU and the Caribbean banana growers?As for EU, they will have cheaper price for banana in their countries. But if there is a local producer inside the country, he wont survive in this competition with Latin American countries. Taking into consideration Caribbean banana growers, their future is not very optimistic, because their banana export will continue to decline due to Latin American competition, so their workforce will seek for a new job. But mainly all of those who will lose a job wont find a new one, because in Caribbean countries banana exports are the mainstay of their economies.So they should concentrate more on tourism, rather than bananas export, because, as it was said in the case, the minister of tourism estimated that every acre of prop up used for tourism is three times as profitable as one used for suppuration bananas. These steps will create more jobs for native people and will improve economic bureau in these countries. 3. What types of strategic moves will an international marketing manager of Latin American banana exporter chafe? Well, first of all, he should improve export to EU after WTOs agreement, because they have fewer tariffs, so they can compete with Caribbean countries.So, he should make whatsoever advertising in EU countries in baseball club to win the competition and decide what amount of bananas he should exports to EU markets. Moreover, he should find out closely Europeans attitude to bananas from Latin American countries. If it is not good enough, he should make some things in order to improve this attitude, such as * He should show the good quality of his product * He should show that during the process of gathering and delivering bananas, they follow health-code standards * He should promote this product in EU markets * And so on.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Evergreen Naturals Market Essay
There were numerous factors that contributed towards the constant success of evergreen plant intrinsic Markets. The partys methodology towards flexth and expansion is one of the integral factors. Where most companies seek to grow by re-investing their profits back into their businesses (ploughing back), Evergreen adopted a more radical approach by acquiring otherwise competing companies or companies that show potential of growing rapidly. Evergreen designed a dodging that was twofold in nature.By bringing in rival companies under the Evergreen umbrella, the approach hardly eliminated any competition, increased the resources and financial base and made it easier for Evergreen to take on a wider scope and reach. Granted, acquisitions have issues with integration of management and operations. However, this approach has been steadily used by Evergreen, and this has resulted in its prosperity as an organic food distributor. As the latest addition to the Evergreen umbrella, Aragul a Grocers serve to make the effect of the mother society increasingly widespread.The recent acquisition can allow the company to lower its prices and engage in rough marketing that leave make Evergreen more successful. 2. Why do stores improve their performance after being acquired by Evergreen? The main reason for the increased performance after joining the Evergreen was the approach adopted by Evergreen. On the surface, they may seem like clear acquisitions. However, the acquired stores are allowed to oblige their functional systems and procedures. In this way, Evergreen owns the stores but allows them to continue operating in the same way.The slight modifications that at times were made on the administration and management included branding, change in sales approach, and other minor issues. Using the operational systems of the different stores, Evergreen was able to utilise their combined efforts and attain grand profits. On the other hand, the smaller stores also got to pro sper under the Evergreen because of two arch factors. cardinal was the fresh infusion of capital and administrative support provided by Evergreen. Evergreen offered increased investment opportunities by providing the capital, human race resources, and other assistance.The second factor was an advantage of working under a larger company that allows one to work without much competition from the outside. 3. How well does the acquisition of Arugula Grocers align with Evergreens established approach to integrating new stores? What modifications, if any, should Norton make? The acquisition of Aragula Grocers is an advantageous addition to the Evergreen free radical as it offered new opportunities in Nevada, Las Vegas. However, several modifications would serve to improve the situation in their relations.Firstly, Mrs. Norton should introduce more effective communication measures that will ensure that the radio link between Evergreen and Aragula Grocers is not severed. It was discovered that the link between these two parties was weak, and this will lead to confusion and dilution of the vision of the mother company. Secondly, Norton also needed to sort out the financial status of the store before investing in it seriously. Aragula Grocers was acquired amid a series of financial issues and complications that showed signs of mismanagement.Adopting these problems will lead to failure of the store and eventually, losses for Evergreen. Mrs. Norton should also consider making modifications to the management style in Aragula Grocers. The changes should reflect the three proposals that she made concerning all acquisitions under Evergreen. These changes involved investing in improving human resources, maintaining the local setting, and caring about the welfare of the employees and customers. These three proposals would serve to change the atmosphere and approach taken by the Aragula management as they start operations under Evergreen.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Mariachi Music Research Paper Essay
Mariachi music originated in Jalisco, Mexico. It is said it began in the town of Cocula. It is a version of theatrical orchestra, it includes violins, harp and guitars which developed in and or so Jalisco. It began in the 19th century, and is still popular today.The Violin is apart of a Mariachi ensemble, it is a string instrument. It is 4 stringed and the smallest, highest-pitched member of the string family. The purpose of the violin in mariachi music is to complement trumpet melodies. The most classical element of this style of playing to use the entire bow.The Vihuela also plays a major role in a Mariachi ensemble. The Vihuela is an instrument that is basically devil different guitars ring instruments. The one contend in the Mariachi readiness is from the 19th century. It has 5 strings and originated from Mexico. There is another one from the 15th and 16th century, that one originated in Spain. That specific Vihuela typically had 12 strings. The Guitarron is a very large, de ep bodied Mexican 6- string acoustical bass. It is similar to the guitar developed from the 16th century. The Guitarron is typically played by doubling notes by octave. The Guitarron is used to restrain the beat and other instruments together.The trumpet is apart of the brass family, it has the highest register out of all the other instruments. It is played by blowing air threw closed lips. The trumpet replaced the cornet in the mariachi band, now there is usually two trumpets in a mariachi band. The trumpet combination in mariachi was popularized in the 1950s.There ar many a(prenominal) characteristics to mariachi bands. The forms found in mariachi music are, the most important element of the style. Mariachi song forms (such as the bolero, cancin ranchera, son, huapango, joropo, and danzn) are always the rhythmic patterns that are performed by the guitar section of the group. There is also singing involved in mariachi music. For example, the grito mexicano, a yell that is done a t musical interludes during a song, either by the musicians and the listening audience. standardized of that would be the mariachi players singing AY YA YAY YA
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